What’s In My Hospital Bag
You live & you learn, so here is what I learned I needed to have in my hospital bag!
The day I gave birth to my daughter Mia, the contractions were coming in so incredibly fast that I felt like I was going to give birth in the car on the way to the hospital! That’s why I was so grateful to have my hospital bag ready to go so I could run out as fast as possible and make sure that everything I needed was ready for when my baby girl arrived. As soon as we could change him, I put him in a soft Baby Noomie pajama footie and took his first picture ever. I was surprised at how many times he pooped in two days and how much I needed to change him! Thankfully I was prepared with just about everything I needed, and I decided to share my hospital bag must-haves with all of you today:
- Noomie blanket to nurse and swaddle (if your a nursing mom)
- One Baby Noomie double layered blanket
- 4 Nb Noomie footies and 2 hats (yes this sounds like a lot, but your baby will poop)
- Bib to wipe
- Pacifier
- Nursing pillow
- Nipple cream
- Nursing bra
- 2 button down pjs (easy for breastfeeding)
- Shower shoes
- Phone charger
- A bag with your everyday toiletries
- Your own towel (hospital towels are gross)
All of these items were real life savers once I had finally delivered! Don’t get carried away with extra clothing or the millions of items you received during your baby shower. This Let us know what else you would like to read about next time!
Written by: Alissa Wapinski, Cofounder of Baby Noomie