Sensory bags, also called squish bags, are important for every child’s development, especially those who struggle with sensory processing. They allow children to explore, discover, imagine, create, and learn while engaging many of their senses. Plus they are a mess free sensory play option, which we are sure moms will appreciate!

Aside from being a healthy part of learning and play for all children (ideal for 6+ months), sensory play impacts many areas of a child’s development, such as color recognition, language and vocabulary development, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem solving, emotional development, trial & error, visual perception, cognitive development, imaginative and sensory play, among others.

How to do it

Fill a good quality resealable bag with one or more fillers. You can use different liquids, textures and colors. The possibilities are endless! Remove the excess air from the bag and seal. Then seal again the entire bag with duct tape on all edges to avoid spilling accidents. Tape the bag to a table or to a wall for your child to easily be able to manipulate it and play.

Tip: you can remove the white label on the bag using an alcohol wipe.


PS. Please remember that adult supervision is always required when playing with sensory bags.


May 07, 2021 — Alissa Wapinsky